2015 goals and dreams


2015 goals and dreams

I am constantly dreaming of things I want to accomplish in my life and the adventures I desire to have along the way… Perhaps sometimes I can get a little too carried away and my dreams become too big or all over the place, but then I really think about it and what is the point of dreaming if not to reach for the stars?? I don’t want to limit my dreams – this year I am sharing what those dreams are in the hopes that they will become a reality and by the happenstance that I can inspire others to dream bigger than they thought possible.

Here are some of my 2015 goals and dreams…

Business Goals

1. BLOGGING: This has been an ongoing learning process for me and this year I want to get an organized handle on things! Blogging is crucial and I want to learn to be a better writer and become more diligent at keeping up my blog. I hope to post every week, multiple times a week. I am going to create a blogging calendar to keep me organized and motivated. Also, I am going to learn all that I can about SEO in order to build a better online presence.

2. SOCIAL MEDIA: I have spent the last year reading and learning all I can about social media marketing and it has been great! I want to continue to develop my understanding of it and grow my online community. I love being able to share my art with the world!

3. PUSH MYSELF: I want to be a better business owner! I strive myself on delivering the best service I can to my clients and those that I work with. This year I want to do even better! I want to bless the people that I come into contact with and make sure they know their story is important to me!

4. PUSH BOUNDARIES: I want to step outside of my comfort zone when it comes to my art. I want to push past my boundaries and discover new elements within my photography. I often get comfortable when I master something… I want to push past that and discover new techniques and become more confident and creative.

Personal Goals

1. PRAY MORE + WORRY LESS: I tend to worry and become anxious far too often… I worry about the big things and the little things. This year I want to be intentional about not worrying as much. Especially about things that I have no control over. Instead of worrying, I want to pray.

2. TRAVEL TRAVEL TRAVEL: I have an intense case of wanderlust that doesn’t seem to go away… and I am fine with that! I want to see the world and all of its wonders. I want to explore places I have never been, eat foods I have never heard of, and swim in every body of water on this earth! On of my favorite quotes is “not all who wander are lost”… Adventure: here I come!

3. COOK MORE: I cook a lot… I feel like I am constantly at the grocery store and washing dishes… However, this year I want to cook new things… Meals I have never heard of. Exotic meals from all over the world. I’m sure my hubby will be on board with this goal!

4. READ MORE: I absolutely love reading! I have more books than I know what to do with and I just can’t help myself but to leave the bookstore with handfuls of new ones. This year I want to read more! I want to read about travel, art, photography, business, and most of all I want to be swept up in amazing stories!

What are some of your 2015 dreams and goals???


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